Casting Talent © 2024

Auditions on Zoom for LA Shoot



African American male,
Family oriented, writer, gang associated, LA native.
Woke, intelligent, strong-spirited, well-balanced, passionate, drinker.
Main Character
To apply for this job email your details
Gender: Male
Age: 43-45
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur

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African American male,
Ex-con, Alabama native, former hustler.
Introvert, paranoid, schizophrenic tendencies, violent, fast & loud talker, narcissistic, occasional drug user, heavy drinker
Main character, Jay’s father
To apply for this job email your details
Gender: Male
Age: 50+-50+
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur

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Accountant, human rights activist, LA native
Woke, revolutionary, passionate, good heart
Main character
To apply for this job email your details
Gender: Female
Age: 23-25
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur

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short, plus size, gray hair, printed dress, roomy/ comfy
Alabama native, civil rights activist, good hearted, sweetheart, family oriented
Main character, Stephanie’s grandmother
To apply for this job email your details
Gender: Female
Age: 50+-50+
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur

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African American male, tall/ stocky build, mustache, short Afro, work coveralls or suit
Alabama native, hard worker, family oriented, civil rights activist, preacher, former boxer
Schizophrenic, religious, good hearted, strong
Main character, Garry’s father, Jay’s grandfather
To apply for this job email your details
Gender: Male
Age: 35-33
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur

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African American/ bi-racial, beautiful, light skinned, tall, fitted jeans, trendy top, sneakers
Detroit native, hair stylist, family oriented
Intelligent, well-balanced, loving, motherly/nurturer, strong
Jay’s girlfriend
To apply for this job email your details
Gender: Female
Age: 44-45
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur

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African American female, intelligent, religious, strong, nurturing, caring
Garry’s sister, Jay’s aunt
To apply for this job email your details
Gender: Female
Age: 50+-50+
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur

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African American, average height/ build, clean shaven, designer tailored suits
LA native, preacher, college educated, intelligent, religious, God fearing
Michelle’s husband
To apply for this job email your details
Gender: Male
Age: 50+-50+
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur

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Teen Garry

African American male, short, slender, short Afro, long pants, short sleeve button up shirt
Alabama native, Jack in the box employee, part of black panther movement
Family oriented, protective, hard working, strong spirited, religious
To apply for this job email your details
Gender: Male
Age: 16-19
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur

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Selfish, racist, mean
LA native
Stephanie’s mom
Gender: Male
Age: 47-49
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur

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African American female, late 30s, ghetto
RiRi’s home-girl
To apply for this job email your details
Gender: Male
Age: 37-39
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur

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