Casting Talent © 2024

Casting A 1960s period mystery/drama short film, Thy Neighbor


Mrs. Flowers

a nosy neighbor who is always looking out of her apartment window watching people come and go. She keeps track of time and takes notes while peeping through her peep hole. She sees everything and knows everything. Character look reference: Mrs. Connelly from the movie "Duplex."
Gender: Female
Age: 50+-50+
Payment: Paid
Expenses: No
Experience Requirement: Amateur


Detective 1 & 2

a detective who follows the rules by the book. He wants to get to the bottom of it all. Think Harvey Keitel meets "Dragnet" meets Library Cop "Bookman" from "Seinfeld."
Gender: Male
Age: 38-50+
Payment: Paid
Expenses: No
Experience Requirement: Amateur



John is the steady boyfriend of Lydia our main character. He loves Lydia and expects her to be the stay at home woman who cooks and cleans and tends to him only. Even though they are not married, he acts as though he owns her. Although she is an attractive woman, he is jealous for anyone to lay eyes on her and always starts fights that usually end up physical.
Gender: Male
Age: 28-50+
Payment: Paid
Expenses: No
Experience Requirement: Amateur


Mrs. Flowers

a nosy neighbor who is always looking out of her apartment window watching people come and go. She keeps track of time and takes notes while peeping through her peep hole. She sees everything and knows everything. Character look reference: Mrs. Connelly from the movie "Duplex."
Gender: Female
Age: 50+-50+
Payment: Paid
Expenses: No
Experience Requirement: Amateur


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