Casting Talent © 2024

Casting The Pilot Of An Upcoming series



Clayton is the guitarist of Carnage. Clayton was timid but at the same time, had a wild spirit banging on the door from the inside trying to get out. He was never quite sure of himself but had all the talent in the world. The members of Carnage know this and mess with him all the time to bring out his other side.
Gender: Male
Age: 18-25
Payment: Unpaid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur



Vinny is the front man of Carnage a voice with pure melody and strength. He was a level headed guy, who knew how to be the man of reason. His one flaw was that he was addicted to woman.
Gender: Male
Age: 18-25
Payment: Unpaid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur



is the drummer of Carnage (Must be able to twirl drumsticks). Lance was just an overall crazy guy, willing to do all most anything to get the approval of his friends. Energetic and bubbly but at the same time, was willing to beat down anyone that messed with his friends or family.
Gender: Male
Age: 18-25
Payment: Unpaid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur



is a straight to the point, kind of hated everyone equally, kind of person. He secretively loved his Carnage family members but would never say it.
Gender: Male
Age: 18-25
Payment: Unpaid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur



was the head CEO of a Record label. He is a smooth, charismatic man which hid the evil that lurked within. A cutthroat character which if crossed, would not hesitate to destroy anything in his way.
Gender: Male
Age: 25-35
Payment: Unpaid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur



The bands manager cute and nerdy plays the innocent looking card but in actuality is quite the opposite.
Gender: Male
Age: 18-30
Payment: Unpaid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur



Supporting actor with possible lead on future episodes. A Nurse who is very attractive but dangerous at the same time. Knows it and flirts to get her way. Think of Daryl Hannah in Kill Bill.
Gender: Female
Age: 18-30
Payment: Unpaid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur


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