Casting Talent © 2024

'Passing Strange'


Narrator (Lead)

he/him pronouns; The band leader and the teller of the Youth's story through song and speech. Narrator is wise, mature, and nostalgic. (Tenor C3-G4).
Ethnicity: Black / African Descent
Age: 40-50
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur


Youth (Lead)

he/him pronouns; from Los Angeles, CA. He ages from 14-22 years old over the course of the play. He’s eclectic, quirky, artsy, inquisitive and is an aspiring punk rock musician. (Tenor, C3- E4).
Ethnicity: Black / African Descent
Gender: Male
Age: 20-30
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur


Mother (Supporting)

she/her pronouns; Single mother raising Youth. She is a well put together Christian woman living a very unexciting life in the suburbs. (Soprano E4-F5).
Gender: Female
Age: 18-50+
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur


Mr. Franklin

he/him pronouns; He is the youth choir director, church pianist and closeted gay son of the pastor at Youth and Mother’s Black Baptist church in Los Angeles. (Tenor C3-A4).
Gender: Male
Age: 30-40
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur


Mariana (Supporting)

she/her pronouns; A free-spirited young woman from Amsterdam who befriends Youth. She is kind, sincere, generous, messy and sexy. (Soprano, D4-G5). Dutch accent encouraged.
Gender: Female
Age: 20-30
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur


Desi (Supporting)

she/her, 20s-30s pronouns; A strong-willed marxist revolutionary from West Berlin. She is the founder of Nowhaus, a collective of revolutionary, protest artist. She is Intensely passionate and caring. (Soprano, D4-G5). German accent encouraged.
Gender: Female
Age: 20-30
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur


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