Casting Talent © 2024



Nick Evans (Lead)

gay; 5'5"-6'4". Nick is flirty and flamboyant, he's down to earth. He's the life of the party, and always stands up for his friends. But he's hiding a dark side that none of his friends know about.
Ethnicity: All Ethnicities
Required Media: Headshot/Photo
Gender: Male
Age: 18-30
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur


Jeffrey Cosmo (Lead)

gay; 5'5"-6'4". A family guy; can be a little naive. He stays out of his friends' drama and is the go-to guy in the group. He's in a long-term relationship and sometimes feels the pressure to be perfect for his friends.
Ethnicity: All Ethnicities
Required Media: Headshot/Photo
Gender: Male
Age: 18-30
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur


Jackson Butler (Lead)

bisexual; 5'5"-6'4". He is the wild card in his group of friends. He's very manipulative, backstabbing, and only looks out for number one. He's the friend you have to definitely watch out for.
Ethnicity: All Ethnicities
Required Media: Headshot/Photo
Gender: Male
Age: 21-35
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur


Benny Johnson (Supporting)

gay; 5'5"-6'4". Jeffrey's boyfriend. He's a hard-working man who gets mixed up in the drama between his friends, and ends up showing a side of him that no one's ever seen before.
Ethnicity: All Ethnicities
Required Media: Headshot/Photo
Gender: Male
Age: 18-35
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur


Greg Carter (Supporting)

bisexual; 5'5"-6'4". A very intelligent man. He's mysterious and cunning. The decisions he makes take a serious toll on his friends.
Ethnicity: All Ethnicities
Required Media: Headshot/Photo
Gender: Male
Age: 21-35
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur


Willow Turner (Supporting)

straight; 5'0"-5'9". A know it all, but she's battling her own demons. She'll do whatever it takes to get what she wants. She's a good friend, but only to those she can use and manipulate.
Ethnicity: All Ethnicities
Required Media: Headshot/Photo
Gender: Female
Age: 21-30
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur


David Young (Supporting)

bisexual/gay; 5'5"-6'4". He has a very aggressive personality. He's a no-nonsense type of guy. He has a substance abuse problem that he's in denial about. He's the guy you either love or hate...and he really could care less either way.
Ethnicity: All Ethnicities
Required Media: Headshot/Photo
Gender: Male
Age: 21-35
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur


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