Casting Talent © 2024

'Take Me To Banaue'


Hank Reeves (Lead)

30's, Male, Caucasian; an engineer who sees the world in black and white. He finds comfort in that which is measurable. He is at home among the mostly male engineer world, but his lack of experience with women has made him gawky and awkward. Any girl that shows him attention receives his love--and then he struggles with his own feelings and trying to measure them.
Ethnicity: White / European Descent
Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel, Cover Letter
Gender: Male
Age: 27-35
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur


Jordan Bryant (Lead)

30's, Male, African American; a doctor who continues to live a life like he did during his youth: sowing his wild oats. With his looks and personality, and the perception of his job, he doesn't have a hard time continuing with this. He is fun and people like to be around him--making him the antithesis of Hank.
Ethnicity: Black / African Descent
Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel, Cover Letter
Gender: Male
Age: 27-35
Payment: Paid
Expenses: Yes
Experience Requirement: Amateur


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